Tuesday, November 30, 2010

What is your passion?

So, what do you want to do when you grow up? lol. I am still asking myself that question! However, the past year has put me in the mindset that I have finally, at the young age of 38, decided what I want to do when I grow up. How do I know this? Because, if you are doing something outside your day job that takes you hours each night, you don't realize how much time has passed and the next time you look at the clock, you see that it is about three hours past your bedtime.

Yep, Social Media and online Networking is my passion. I absolutely LOVE it! From the time my daughter goes to bed until I finally look at the clock and it is midnight or 1am and I don't mind! Now, when I have to wake up at 6, I definitely mind!

When my daughter is with her father and my friends are otherwise occupied, I will go to Borders and I am looking up any information I can find on Social Media, Blogging and Networking. I hope this shows in my posts in my many blogs!

If you or someone you know is interested in marketing your business, please feel free to contact me. I am available for doing the marketing for you, or available as a consultant to you and answer questions for you.


  1. Right now my only passion is to get better. I'm a blogger most of the time. I do a little transcriping at home, and I do a lot of therapy on my back. I have spinal stenosis. My only passion right now is my grandchildren, and hubby. Have a great day and thanks for the follow. Oh I'm following all four of your blogs.

  2. Hi Xmas Dolly! You definitely take care of yourself! Is this something that can be corrected? Sorry if I sound unintelligent! I've never heard of Spinal Stenosis.

    Have a wonderful weekend and thank you for the follows!

  3. Thanks for following my blog! I like the idea of using social media to promote business so I am definitely going to follow you back. Thank you for finding me...I am excited to read more from you. =)

  4. That's a great way to see what you're passionate about... what you don't mind spending hours on!! Ha. Love it. Go for it girl! :)


  5. My son is starting a graphic design business. I think he could benefit from your expertise!

  6. Thanks Ladies! Norma, I am setting up consulting services. Will definitely be more than happy to work with him!

  7. Thanks for following my blog. I wanted to return the favor. I can't wait to see what you have to offer in the ways of social networking! I'm the marketing coordinator for the insurance agency I work for and a lot of what we do is social networking, but there is so much more to learn!
